returns new

How do I return or exchange my order?

Tekstvak: 4. REFUND
As soon as our distribution center has received your return, you will receive the refund within 5 business days.


Register within 30 days after receiving your order.

Select the item you like to return or change and choose the desired return method.

 2. PACK

Place the item(s) you would like to return back in the box you received them in or any other solid cardboard box.

Don’t forget to remove the old shipping label.


Take it to your preferred drop off point within 5 workdays or wait for your pick up.


As soon as our distribution center has received your return, you will receive the refund within 5 business days.

Return requirements:

Purchases which you like to return to us have to be unworn , unwashed and in original, pristine condition. All tags and other attachments also have to be included with the product and the receipt has to be included in the package. If the item you are returning are shoes, the original shoebox is part of the product and has to arrive to us in pristine condition as well. Shoes must be returned double-boxed. If a returned product doesn't meet these requirements, it is possible for Oqium to refuse the refund request, something we obviously want to prevent.